
Case postale 742
CH-1470 Estavayer-le-Lac

Tel: ++41 (0)26 663 29 25



The " CUSTOP " !

Discover a worldly and space invention :

The CUSTOP is one cealing "LID" with a spoon inside,in order to "easily take" what is inside !

The advantages and uses :

The CUSTOP is an house "goody idea" est un " ustensile " de ménage idéal qui permet une "hygiène alimentaire" très importante et parfaite. De plus, il favorise la prévention de maladies des bébés et enfants de bas âges, des malades dans les hôpitaux, des personnes âgées, etc.

A priority application : protect the children's health.

When a mother feeds her baby, often the food in inside little pots. A spoon is required to serve the child. While feeding the baby, that may last from 15 to 30 minutes, the spoon is often put on the table and within the range of reach of insects, bacteries, virus, etc.
And also, the mother "taste" the quality and the food temperature before to feed the baby. The spoon is often "put to the mouth" so there is possibility to transfer bacteries or other things. The food pot equipped with CUSTOP is a great solution to avoid the transfer of the toxins, of nicotines, of virus, of bactery and of any other microbes transmitted from the mother to the child !

The CUSTOP will be useful in the hospitals, clinics, elders home, school cafeteria and others to for being practical and hygienic "...

With its " useful, practical and economic " aspect the CUSTOP will find a place in everybody's home around the world
In a meal, you eat regularly jam, honey, cream, mustard, pili-pili, and many other dripping and sticky food ! What are you doing with the spoon after? !

You hit it on the plate to clean it from the clinging remaining of food and even more you might even break your plate ! Then, you hit it on the edge of the pot and after you "lick" the spoon !
Actually everybody "bring the spoon to one's mouth" before to put it back on the table or to re-take a second or a third time some food ! So contamination danger !
The CUSTOP evitats that one personne contaminates food with his spoon. Because they might contaminate a whole family, a group of person, etc.

The CUSTOP systema is as well very useful in every kitchen for the necessity to dose sugar, spices, thee, coffee, etc.

Applications in many fields : craftsmen, industrialists, shops, etc.

The CUSTOP will give numbers of services in the hardware : onthe tables of a restaurant for the mustard, for the sugar or for the condiments, etc...

The CUSTOP will find its way through the craftsmen, industrialists and manufacturers in search of saving and earning time or for handling dangerous materials or others.
Military and space applications.

For a hygienic, practical and swift alimentation, the pot CUSTOP is a good idea for soldiers or other person on a trip or travelling.

The CUSTOP systema is really at the TOP of this kind of tool and will make easier the meal of astronauts while orbiting around the earth in a spaceshift ! ( Bonne appétit Monsieur Claude NICOLIER, swiss astronaute)

A little idea very clever for 7 billions of individuals on earth and in space
A business to grasp!the highest offer secures the sales !
Réf : 2006
©ISWISS WORLD - CH 1470 Estavayer-le-Lac

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